Belgian Malinois. Meet the declassified photograph of dog breed that aided in capturing and killing of ISIS Leader
Belgian Malinois: Look the sniffer dog's declassified photo that helped in capturing and killing the ISIS leader.

Trump in Washington tweeted a declassified photograph of the military breed Belgian Malinois Dog which was wounded during the raid over Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi that led to death of the terrorist leader, he quoted that the dog did an excellent work in capturing and killing the dreaded leader.
An official said the administration is working for the heroic dog's white house visit but it looks difficult since the talented dog is back to work in the field.
Mr Trump said the no U.S service member was killed in the raid because of the heroism of the beautiful and talented dog.
The Belgian Malinois breed dog went into the tunnel for subduing al-Baghdadi on seeing the approaching dog al-Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest killing himself and three children leaving the dog wounded.
Dog's name could not be released right now. The military working canine performed a tremendous service, as they are trained to do in variety of situations. Although the dog is wounded and is fully recovering. But we cant disclose its identity right now told a U.S raid leader.Belgian Malinois are identified for their work ethics and intelligence therefore they widely used in military and law enforcement operations. Same Malinois namely Cairo accompanied U.S commandos on 2011 raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.
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